
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Meet Brenden Chase

13 years later.
What a blessing. Happiness, love, laughter.
Our life is complete. My girl and my boy.
Motherhood is miraculous.
Introducing my sweet Brenden Chase.

12 lbs. 1oz. 22 inches

At your two month appointment you weighed in at 14 lbs 2 oz. 
You're 23 1/2 inches. 
Incredibly healthy and strong. 
You got your first round of shots and daddy had to hold you 
because mommy was on the verge of tears. 
But just as you have before, 
you proved how tough you were and only cried for a second.
You spent the majority of this month wanting to be held and cuddled
--which means the house is a disaster 
and mom is always starving.
 But toward the end of the month you showed more interest in hanging out, 
chomping on your hands--THANK GOODNESS. :)
Since I've been feeling a whole lot better
 we've got to venture out of the house a lot more. 
You are a ham, 
smiling for all the ladies
 and letting them ooh and aah over how freaking cute you are. 
You seem to enjoy being in your stroller 
as you almost always fall asleep while we go on our 3 mile walks.
Sleep has been a little better. 
Now you'll go 2.5-3 hours between feedings. Baby steps, right? :)
You have the best little smile. 
We're still waiting on that first giggle though. 
We love you so much, but could you stop growing up so fast? K thanks. ;)

xo, Tania

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