
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Brenden: 3 Months

    Happy 3 month birthday little love. 

How is it that you are three months already?
Just yesterday you were born. 
It seems like these three months have gone by incredibly fast and at the same time it seems like you've been here for a lifetime. 
You are such a happy baby. 
While your mom has been struggling with balance,
 you have been a light through it all. 
When people ask how being a parent is I can never seem to find the words.
 It isn't like anything I could of ever imagined. 
It's wonderful, it's hard and it's the greatest thing I know I'll ever do. 
YOU are already mommy and daddy's greatest accomplishment.
This month you've had your first real laugh, 
you smile all the time and I can't get enough of those chubby cheeks.
 You've developed a more predictable napping schedule, which is oh so helpful.
Mom has become one of "those" parents posting your picture to every social network imaginable on a daily basis.

 Apologies to future-teenager-Brenden who will probably hate me.
Sleep is so much better than it was in the beginning,

 you're now going 3-4 hours between eating, 
which is AMAZING.
We love you so so so much, little man.
I love your baby smell, your smiles, and drools,
 and cuddling with my warm heater.
Looking longingly into my each others eyes as I feed you.
Sleeping on my chest.
I'm blessed to be able to spend every single moment with you.
You make life better. 
We love you so so so much, little man.

xo, Tania

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