
Friday, March 15, 2013

Volleyball Has Taken Over

 Volleyball O Volleyball.
 It has taken over our lives and our weekends...
Once again.  
It's so different having a baby now.
 Last season I was the team mom... organizing food for tailgating, ordering team shirts, and responding to emails. 
It was serious and time consuming.
This year the baby and I try to go to at least one game during the weekend, 
but Ryan is the true Volleyball Dad.
It's such a long day for everyone.
Thank goodness for tailgating and yummy food to satisfy our tummys.
My husband the hero.
Always saving the day.
Last tournament he brought the grill for hot dogs, a French press to make coffee, and even had hot water ready for hot cocoa or oatmeal in the morning.
All together, the rest of the girls brought a caesar salad, a variety of fruit, yogurt, bagels with cream cheese, fruit snacks, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chicken, beef or veggie burritos, tortilla chips with salsa, and drinks.
I told you it was serious!

Mommy and Brenden

Cheering on with Daddy

His sissy loves to hold him during her off time, and her teammates love watching and taking pictures of him.

He finds time to take naps during the tournaments. Here he is all cuddled up in his stroller after a very long day.
xo, Tania

Something New Everyday

Brenden does something new everyday.
His smiles, giggles and adorable sounds melt my heart.
Some days I just sit and watch his every move.
I'm so lucky to be able to do that.
Check out his chunky thighs!

Lately, everything goes in his mouth. His fingers are his absolute favorite and you can sure hear him sucking them. Daddy calls them his "little smokies"

His Rainforest Jumperoo keeps him very busy. He knows how to make the lizard spin. Once his feet touch the ground, I'm sure he'll go crazy!
He found his feet! I don't think he knows that they're his, but he's surely amazed by them. His motor skills are improving also, he can hold onto this Oball himself. This Bumbo from cousin Molly is hilarious. It makes him look like a big boy who can sit up.

Tummy time usually happens in the morning and he can really pick up his head. We are all happy to know that he actually has a neck hiding under his big cheeks.

xo, Tania

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Liquid Gold

This box has been sitting in the nursery closet for months.
A baby shower gift. Lucky me!
My breast pump.
I'm just too busy, too lazy to take the time to read the directions.
Brenden is crying.
 I have lunches to make.
 Clothes to fold and put away
 Dinner to cook. 
Is this what I do all day?
 I just want to lay on the couch and snuggle with Ryan, after all it is his day off.
Brenden is finally asleep. 
So I decide to just do it. was super easy. 
Watch out. 
Now I am addicted.
In 5 minutes, I pumped 4 ounces.
I am planning to stash these little plastic bags of liquid gold away in the freezer for a rainy day.

This pump is magnificent! I recommend it to anyone. Thanks Annie and Gma Joanne!
Brenden's favorite meal.
 All for my happy baby....

xo, Tania

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dinner at Grandma Lynn's

Last night we had dinner at my mother-in-law's house. She is an excellent cook, and always makes us delicious meals, so I love that she invites us over a lot. Now that Brenden is here, she probably just wants us there to see him more. :) That is fine with me!

We always have Happy Hour first, with french bread, various cheeses, meats, olives, almonds, etc...and of course wine. However, not for me since I am breastfeeding.
A colorful yummy salad with a spring mix, cherry tomatoes and an avocado all tossed together with a Champagne dressing.

Roasted pork loin with fennel, roasted carrots, potatoes, and onions. Barefoot Contessa's recipe. It was delicious! Kylah had an extra serving.

xo, Tania

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Push Present

I just came across these pictures while organizing all of Brenden's birth photos and wanted to share. 

Many reasons I love my husband.
He's supportive, loving, committed, honest, and loyal.
He spoils me with sweet surprises.
After 3 hours of pushing,
my baby's shoulders were stuck.
Code blue.
Eyes closed and in shock.
I was oblivious to what was happening around me. 
Nurses and doctors flooded the scene, physically pressing my stomach to try to get him out.
Oh my husband, my love, how traumatic our story is.
But Brenden is so beautiful and perfect....and healthy...Thank god.
Thank you for surprising me with this.
The best part.
The card from Brenden.  
A necklace with 4 diamonds to represent the 4 of us.
Your sincerity and thoughtfulness always amazes me.
You have my heart forever.

xo, Tania

Brenden: 3 Months

    Happy 3 month birthday little love. 

How is it that you are three months already?
Just yesterday you were born. 
It seems like these three months have gone by incredibly fast and at the same time it seems like you've been here for a lifetime. 
You are such a happy baby. 
While your mom has been struggling with balance,
 you have been a light through it all. 
When people ask how being a parent is I can never seem to find the words.
 It isn't like anything I could of ever imagined. 
It's wonderful, it's hard and it's the greatest thing I know I'll ever do. 
YOU are already mommy and daddy's greatest accomplishment.
This month you've had your first real laugh, 
you smile all the time and I can't get enough of those chubby cheeks.
 You've developed a more predictable napping schedule, which is oh so helpful.
Mom has become one of "those" parents posting your picture to every social network imaginable on a daily basis.

 Apologies to future-teenager-Brenden who will probably hate me.
Sleep is so much better than it was in the beginning,

 you're now going 3-4 hours between eating, 
which is AMAZING.
We love you so so so much, little man.
I love your baby smell, your smiles, and drools,
 and cuddling with my warm heater.
Looking longingly into my each others eyes as I feed you.
Sleeping on my chest.
I'm blessed to be able to spend every single moment with you.
You make life better. 
We love you so so so much, little man.

xo, Tania

Meet Brenden Chase

13 years later.
What a blessing. Happiness, love, laughter.
Our life is complete. My girl and my boy.
Motherhood is miraculous.
Introducing my sweet Brenden Chase.

12 lbs. 1oz. 22 inches

At your two month appointment you weighed in at 14 lbs 2 oz. 
You're 23 1/2 inches. 
Incredibly healthy and strong. 
You got your first round of shots and daddy had to hold you 
because mommy was on the verge of tears. 
But just as you have before, 
you proved how tough you were and only cried for a second.
You spent the majority of this month wanting to be held and cuddled
--which means the house is a disaster 
and mom is always starving.
 But toward the end of the month you showed more interest in hanging out, 
chomping on your hands--THANK GOODNESS. :)
Since I've been feeling a whole lot better
 we've got to venture out of the house a lot more. 
You are a ham, 
smiling for all the ladies
 and letting them ooh and aah over how freaking cute you are. 
You seem to enjoy being in your stroller 
as you almost always fall asleep while we go on our 3 mile walks.
Sleep has been a little better. 
Now you'll go 2.5-3 hours between feedings. Baby steps, right? :)
You have the best little smile. 
We're still waiting on that first giggle though. 
We love you so much, but could you stop growing up so fast? K thanks. ;)

xo, Tania

A Glimpse into Life with Our Little Man

Hi everyone! After many sent emails and text messages updating you all on my sweet little boy Brenden, I have decided to start this blog so you can get a glimpse into life with our little man. He is the sweetest thing ever and brings joy to our lives everyday. If you have been out of touch, here is an update..

My tummy didn't start growing until about 5 months.That's when we found out that he was a boy. Ryan acted like he won the lottery! After that he just kept growing and growing.....    

xo, Tania

xo, Tania