
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Never Moving Again

Never moving least that's our life long plan. But if we ever do, we are packing this s*** up in 1000 boxes and hiring movers no matter what it costs. Seriously! This move took a toll on us all. I thought it would never end. I don't know how many trips we made from house to house, then unpacking it all, then finding a place to put it. OMG!!!! 

 Oh yeah, Ryan broke his hand in the midst of it all. Uggggh! His right hand...yup we needed that hand. Good thing my parents came up to visit and help. I could have never done all of the things I did. At least, we have some order and I know where most things are. But, I am still finding boxes in random places.

 However, I love everything about this house. Everything! The neighbors are awesome. They had an annual block party yesterday, so we got to meet everyone at once. What an awesome place for Brenden to grow up in! Everyone knows each other, they help out, and they are super friendly.

Waiting for the big guys to arrive and haul stuff away.

I put all of my clothes in trash bags and left them on the was so easy to move and hang back in my new closet. I must have had at least 10 of these. It got annoying.

Ryan's broken hand. It was in a temporary cast for a week, but now it's in a splint for about six weeks. Boys!!!!

Brenden sleeping in the vineyards behind our house. He loves our walks.

The house was chaotic, so Brenden enjoyed hanging out in the empty dining room in this plastic pool with his tools.

Kylah unpacking all of her clothes....doesn't she look happy?

Goodbye toys in the office! I hope!!!!


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