
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Brenden :: Ten Months

Happy 10 month birthday my love!

I am a little late with this post....we have just officially moved into our new house on Sunday. So things have been a little crazy. We are never moving again!

I can't even handle how old you look in your monthly photos this month. You are growing up way too fast, little boy.
This month you had us chasing you around like crazy people. You are cruising along furniture and crawling have such a funny crawl. It looks like your leg is hurt. Standing up is the thing to do. You have great balance and  get so excited that you constantly start talking to us nonstop. I am sure you will walk any day now.

Eating is your favorite activity. You love to eat using our spoons, not baby ones and you eat anything. All vegetables, fruits, beans, rice, name it. I can't get over the fact that I have never had to buy bottles, formula, or baby food. You are the easiest!

You know your name. You know when you're doing or grabbing something you're not supposed to because you get that devilish look on your face then try to run away from me. It's pretty hilarious. You are such a people person. You hold serious conversations with all of your babbling and you really think everyone is talking to you. So funny to watch! You impress crowds of people wherever I go....with your sweet disposition and amazing behavior. It doesn't hurt that you are sooooo handsome.

I'm pretty sure you know we are 'mama' and 'dada'. You definitely know your dad because you call for him when you want to play and not sleep... And I know you know mama because you only ever say it when you cry or are hungry and tired. I'll take what I can get.

Still amazing, awesome and more than we could of ever dreamed. Thanks for being a cool kid, BC. Love you to the moon and back!



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