
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Brenden : Six Months - Happy Half Birthday

Happy Half Birthday my little love!

18lbs. 13oz. and 26 3/4 inches

We have a .5 year old. I don't know what switch you flipped this month, Brenden, but you have become quite the independent, fun little kid. Those days where I wondered if I would have to hold you and rock you for the rest of your life are long gone. You just want to move. And you are. It's so impressive. This month you've become an expert at sitting up and rolling. You're really good at propelling forward and you're pretty much trying to crawl. Sometimes I just stare in wonder and can't believe that you used to be the little immobile newborn who slept curled up on my chest.
That's not to say you don't still sleep on me. In fact, it's one of the few places you will sleep. But now your legs and arms hang off the side and you drool all over the place. But you're still the same sweet boy, just way bigger.

I also love how you soothe yourself by singing yourself to sleep. It's the funniest thing. You are such the little ham and smile all the time. People just eat it up. You make everyone feel so special when you smile back at them. A new nickname for you this month is Sweet Cheeks and Mr. Sparkly eyes.
Brenden's Pina Colada Half Birthday Cake from A Taste of Denmark.

Not yet baby... you still have 6 more months to go!  You will get this yummy cake in the form of Breast Milk.

XO,   Tania

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