
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hawaii { Baby in First Class}

Aloha! We went to Oahu for our first family vacation with a baby... and boy was it different. We arrived at the airport very early in the morning and it was kinda exhausting. Between the 100 bags we carried, the car seat, the heavy stroller to push, breastfeeding on the airplane, breastfeeding in the airport, getting through security and making sure to communicate clearly with my husband (because, you know, I sometimes think things and forget to say them out loud then get mad at him for ignoring me, Seriously.), we did it and it was actually really enjoyable. Well, let's be honest....upgrading to first class did help a bit!!!!! is for suckers! It was like a whole other world at the front of the plane and baby Brenden was the only baby up there. He was such a little ham on the plane and did amazingly well. I mean let's get real, he was the center of attention everywhere we went on that island. He smiled at everyone, had baby conversations with anyone who listened and people could not stop looking, taking pictures and pointing at him...kind of unreal. 

He thinks he was helping me pack!

Totally worth every cent.

Superbaby in First Class.

Fancy. That was just a breakfast snack.

A Totally relaxing and comfortable flight.
The view from our place! Thanks Annie and Gma Jo! We had an awesome time.
Leonard's addicting...we went twice!
Malasadas....a Portuguese doughnut without the hole. Super scrumptious!
Early morning snuggling.....Those chunky thighs are hard to resist.
Strollin' on the boardwalk with my little man.
This was by far the nicest Hard Rock Cafe that I have been to...even better than Paris.

Yummy tropical drinks.
Taking an evening walk on Waikiki Beach.

Hiking to the waterfall.

We made it!

With my girl.
We saw this peacock at the end of the hike and it loved being photographed.

Vintage Surf poster postcards for Brenden's nursery.

We explored and drove around the whole island one day. It was 90 miles all the way around and about 4 1/2 hours.
Pictures from the drive.
So pretty!

My sweet loves!
Spending time with Grandkids.

Enjoying this picture perfect view at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

What a cutie pie!

He was not sure about his little piggies touching the sand.

Not too happy when the waves came crashing!
My new obsession.... Hula Pie at Duke's Restaurant. Macadamia nut ice cream piled high on a chocolate cookie crust and topped with fudge, whipped cream, and more macadamia nuts.

Brenden loved staring at the colorful birds and people watching on Kalakaua Ave.

Lounging in his Hawaiian shirt.
Of course I have to find an ornament! I always search for the perfect one during every new place we travel. It makes decorating our Christmas tree even more special.

Kylah's Favorite place...Brandy Melville.
My Hubby and I with Hawaiian flare.

One of the Beach days. 

He loved the turtles and following the penguins waddle around.

Hangin' with the grandparents.

With my momma. :)
The Hawaii Five-0 Headquarters is located in Downtown Honolulu and we had to drive by and take a picture. We love watching the show!

Looking for deals at the Aloha Stadium Swap meet.

I scored this Hawaiian quilt for the baby. We got a smokin' deal because it rained so hard and we took shelter in this tent. Ryan helped the man take his quilts down so they wouldn't get wet.
Each design has a special meaning and we chose this one.

This piece we purchased is called a Tapa cloth. It is made from the bark of the Paper Mulberry plant and the artwork is the ink from the bark of a Mangrove plant.
Aloha....time to go home. Oh how they love each other!

XOXO, Tania

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures! Looks like so much fun. I've been collecting ornaments from places we travel to for years...I agree, it is so fun unpacking them each year. Oh, and I LOVE hula pie! :) :) was so nice to see you guys this weekend!
