
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Brenden : : 15 Months

Happy 15 months my sweet love.

Today Brenden wanted to stack his dad's beer cans.... Enjoy!

He found the case of beer behind the bar....and yes it is Keystone Light!

Looking guilty
Eating snacks at Costco. Fun!

We have his 15 month appointment on Friday!

Favorite Foods
Blueberries, croissants, cheese....anything sweet.

Favorite Words
Ball, Dad, Pig.... Mostly babbles though and speaks another language . He thinks he's hilarious. ;)

Favorite Toy
His kitchen toys and balls

Favorite Activities
Dancing to music. Climbing. Eating. Running around like a mad man.

Least Favorite Activities
Surprise, still sleeping!

Signature Moves
Open mouth kisses to the mouth. He has a new dance...he drops side to side. Super funny to watch!

Other 15 Month Notables

+ I know that the boy has had a camera in his face since he was born but now whenever I bring out the camera he is all smiles. And I love it.

+ Instead of crawling down the step, he tries to walk down like a big boy. Tear!
+ I am still nursing him! 



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