
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Five Things

 * Holiday Card Photo Shoot....Yes I am starting early! I wanted to take pictures in the vineyards before all of the leaves fell off. It was difficult because my little one wanted to be free.

*Dr. Seuss First Birthday planning is in the works. Here is a sneak peek!

*It's Christmas time! I know this because Trader Joe's has their delicious Gingerbread Cookies with white chocolate frosting. Sooooo delicious and they always run out. I got 3 boxes today!!!

* Last but not least, Happy Birthday to me! Yes, yes, yes, I turned 27 last Thursday. I woke up to my favorite...peanut butter and chocolate, we went to locals night at the winery for wine and appetizers, my hubby surprised me with a chandelier in my closet, and my mother in law sent me my first virtual gift card from Sur La Table. Good thing because I wanted new pots and pans and these are super fancy.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Modeling:: 11 Months

This photo shoot was by far the hardest because somebody is very active and now walking ! He just melts my heart....



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Congrats Kylah

Club Volleyball has officially begun!
I know...High School just ended.
 Not games or practice just yet, 
but we officially signed our commitment letter last night.
 After 3 hours of tryouts, Kylah was scouted early
 and offered a spot on the number 1 power team.
 It will be an awesome season with a top notch coach.
 Congrats Kylah!



Wine Tasting In Our Backyard

We have lived here for over a month and
 hadn't had the chance to go to the winery behind our house.
 I mean...that is pretty ridiculous. 
Since the baby, we really hadn't been anywhere by ourselves. 
Hello!!! We have a 14 year old
 and we really needed to taste those grapes.
 Good thing it is open daily! 
So this Sunday we made a date and had a great time. 
Keep in mind, I am still nursing my 11 month old and
 hadn't really drank alcohol since before my pregnancy.
 Let's just say that after about 8 wine tastings...I was beyond trashed. 
It was not good. 
But I did not have a headache and did not throw up. 
Woo hoo! 
There has to be something said about that.
 Anyway, we are going to join the wine club. 
So you have to come visit and we will take you wine tasting too. 
It was delicious and fun! 

The back of our house!
XOXO,  Tania

Monday, November 4, 2013

Brenden :: Eleven Months

Happy eleven month birthday my little love!

Around this time last year I was hugely pregnant and anticipating your arrival. It is just incredible how fast time flies.

You are 11 months and curious about everything. You want to figure out how things work. You'll sit contentedly with a new toy for awhile trying out all of it's bells and whistles. Then proceed to throw it on the floor to see how far it will go. Actually, everything gets thrown on the by one.

You are such a crack up. You'll put blankets over your head in an attempt to play peek a boo. You laugh at the craziest things. You like to rough house and be flung around but there are still sweet moments when all you want to do is cuddle or nurse....yes...still nursing... and I'm enjoying these times. Because I know that soon, you will grow out of them. 

You sure love your daddy. Most of the time you want to go with him as soon as he comes home. You love walking around with him and doing man stuff. Oh brother!

You dance. We turn on any type of music and you bounce up and down while flailing your arms and turning in circles or sitting on your booty and shaking it. You may have gotten your rhythm from dad (who has none) but you sure look cute doing it.

You took your first steps just the other day and it was way too cute. You finally got the nerve to let go and walk.  However, your crawl is still so funny. You drag your little chunky right leg behind you. Going on a stroller ride is still your favorite time. I love how you just relax in the Bob and look at everything.

Eating is a whole new adventure for you. You want everything that we eat and you want to feed your self only. Good thing you now have 6 teeth. I know! They are the cutest.

 I can't believe how quickly you're picking up new sounds. You mimic everything from "whoaaa" to "uh oh" although I know you don't know their meaning quite yet. You hand things to me when I ask for them. You've figured out how to break out of Baby Jail. You are (mostly) napping like a champ (while nighttime is a different story). We moved into our new house and now your room is right next to our, but you never use it. Hmmmm, it's my fault too. I just spoil you way too much....I don't care! Pretty soon you will as big as your sissy. :(

Yes, we will be those parents throwing a way too elaborate 1st birthday party that you will never remember but we just can't help it. We love you, BC. Happy 11 months! :)

