
Monday, August 5, 2013

Brenden :: 8 Months

Happy 8 Month birthday my little man!

Here we are again, another month has soared by leaving me, yet again, feeling like you're growing up way too fast. You're moving all the freaking time. Seriously, sit still. :) You crawl sometimes, but mostly you stand any chance you get. It's funny because you will push up on anything to stand up. It makes me think that you are going to walk any day now. It was nearly impossible to get a decent photo of you this month. You just want to move and explore and frankly, I got a workout trying to wrangle you for this photo shoot!

You are so musical. You pause or move your arms up and down when you hear music. And those vocal chords are definitely being exercised with your new high pitched happy squeal that you do. I guess you decided that it was a good idea to have 4 teeth come in at the same time. No fun for either of us. Mommy had a cold and since you are a momma's boy, you got your first cold too. It was so sad to know that your nose was all stuffed up and had a low grade fever. You hated when I had to clean your nose or even wipe it. Changing your diaper this month has been a nightmare. You will not stay put! However, you are an awesome traveler. We drove down south twice this month and you did amazing. You slept for 3 hours at a time! We can take you anywhere and we love that. Baby food isn't your favorite, you rather have breast milk. That is fine, I love our bonding time. Clapping your hands is the new thing for you and you are so proud when you do it.

I still have those moments where I look at you then look at daddy and say how the heck did we get so lucky? Love you tons and tons. 

For your 8 Month photo shoot, we are at Balboa Island on vacation......You just love it!



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