
Monday, January 26, 2015

Life just happens

So much has happened just this month 
and I am finally catching up.
Ryan went to New York for the NYPD funeral and
even though he was sick like a dog, he got a chance to spend some time hanging out with his sister.
Baby and Kylah got sick for the first time in forever while he was gone
 and I really felt what it was like to be a single mom again.
Our trampoline has been so fun and gets used everyday.
Early stages of potty training have begun.
Club volleyball is in full swing and our schedule is very busy.
This season we are going to Reno 3 times and off to Florida this summer....
that means Disney World here we come.
So, my travel agent skills are really being put to the test.
Besides those trips, we are finally going to visit the island of Kauai
 for spring break
 and planning our first cruise to the Bahamas or Caribbean in the Fall
So like Ryan says, I have lots of houses to sale! 
He was suppose to go back to patrol this month
 and finally put on one of those uniforms, 
but he got pulled out to be on a special in the office he stays.
I am not complaining!
However, he stays busy with house projects and always has a list.
We had a great time with friends at Justin Siena's crab feed and 
our 2 Monterey pine trees are being cut down today
 because they are basically dead. 
It's a sad day because they are 50 years old and so beautiful, 
but it was their time. 
Looking forward to our outdoor kitchen and cherry trees to replace them.
The baby is so busy and energetic. 
He talks to so much and has quite the personality. 
I don't know where he gets it from!
He is determined, stubborn, very silly, but oh so sweet and loves to learn. 
These days all we hear are....Brenden do it, Brenden big boy, no stop it!

Love him!

Super silly all of the time

Starting this

NYPD loot

He loves jumping

Tot school

Watching Sissy

First place!

Always working
Finished project...almost. Needs paint.

Goodbye trees

Last one!


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