
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Brenden :: Nine Months

Happy 9 Month birthday my love!

This photo shoot was by far the hardest. You would not sit still!


Little Man BC, I say it every month but time is flying by. This has by far been our most eventful month. Starting with the fact that YOU STARTED CRUISING along the furniture. I still can't believe it. It was very impressive. I'm just thankful I was there for those first steps. You are into everything and want to stand on whatever you can use to pull you up or push off on.

You are learning something new every day. You've learned that banging your toys on the table makes a loud noise that makes you giggle. You've found that screaming brings mommy running. You've learned how to eat Cherrios and hold your own cookie. You know how to give big, sloppy, wet kisses.

Your sleeping still sucks. I'm not sure what we're doing wrong but you end up in our bed most nights still. But I really don't mind, I enjoy the cuddles and I know it won't last forever so I'm savoring it. Daddy doesn't appreciate how he is practically sleeping on the edge!

You have four teeth. Four. You like to grind them which makes me cringe like nobody's business. You've also bite my boob once in awhile. Not fun times. I'm sure you'll love reading that sentence when you're older.

Baby Led Weaning is working out great for us. As of 9 months, you are getting 2 meals a day. You absolutely do not like pureed baby food or a spoon. So that was easy. You love it when I chop up whatever we are eating and give it to you. Broccoli is by far your favorite ever. Yes! I said broccoli!!! You love it and leave your mouth open the whole entire time. 

Reading time is so special for us. You back up into my lap and listen quietly. I am so impressed. Your favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You get so excited and kick your feet. Also, you love watching VocabuLarry from the Baby First channel. He makes you start smiling and clapping.

Your personality is just so cool. So happy-go-lucky, independent and fun. Your dad and I are amazed every single day. We love you, BC. 



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