
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Brenden : Seven Months

Happy 7 month birthday my little love!
 Oh yeah.... it's 4th of July too.

Slow down, boy. 
And I mean that in more ways than one. 
You are all over the place these days. 
Sitting, crawling, pulling yourself up and trying to stand. 
This is by far the coolest age (so far) you've been.
 I can almost see myself having another because you're so freaking cool. Almost.

Everyone (and I mean everyone) 

comments on how happy you are--in photos and in person.
 You are so contagious and you make people feel special. 
 I've had people who I don't even know 
tell us that you're the cutest baby on the planet. 
It's insane.

You are not too interested in solid food. 

 Avocado, squash and sweet potato are tasty, 
but you are not too happy about spinach or bananas.
 However, you are still the happiest with good old fashioned breast milk. 
I am just fine with that... until all of your teeth come in.

Your official first word was spoken this month--Dada. 

I was pretty mad but you followed up with Mama a week later.
 So I guess that's ok. :) 
 Your front right bottom tooth is starting to come in 
and you are growing taller each day. 
Touching tags, strings, and shiny jewelry is very interesting to you these days. The Baby channel is a life saver.
 You love to sit in your swing in front of the television in the early morning
 and watch anything that is on. Thank god it is on 24/7!!!!

Daddy says that you are a bed hog. 
Ha, ha....he loves it. 
Tell him that you start out in your own bed. 
I don't care about all of this sleep training stuff right now. 
I am going to enjoy cuddling with you. 
It's my favorite thing to do.

3-month-old Brenden was so different from 7-month-old Brenden. 
You've grown up so much.
 Too quickly for me.
 Please stop! 
I still want to cuddle with you, hold you, and carry you around. 
 Pretty soon you are going to want to break free and get into everything.

We love you, BC. To the moon and back again.

Brenden celebrating his independence!

Happy 4th of July !!!!!

XO, Tania

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