
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Full House

It was a full house for the past couple of days. My entire, dad, sister with her two boys, brother, sister in law and their son. Yes! 8 extra people in addition to us 4. Although it was  pretty jam packed and lots of commotion due to 3 active boys, we had a good time. Our days were pretty busy and by the end of the day we were all pooped and ready to go to bed. Kylah still had volleyball practice in Napa, went shopping at the Napa Premium Outlets, Jelly Belly Factory, Sacramento River Cats baseball game, spent a day touring San Francisco, and then went to a 50th Anniversary Wedding party at the Country Club.  Now my household is back to normal and quiet again. See you next when we are in Newport Beach!

Sacramento River Cats baseball game.

Great seats behind home plate.

My regular hot dog and Ryan's gigantic Dinger dog.
It's Country Night!
About to walk the Golden Gate Bridge.

The baby is knocked out!

It was very cold and windy.

Cutie Pie woke up while we were half way there.

The kids were starving when we got back to the car.

The baby is ready for his picture now.

We drove down crooked Lombard St.

Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39

My nephews

My little man loves to people watch.

The family at Bubba Gump's on Pier 39. We took over 2 tables and had awesome views of the bay.

We devoured 6o mini donuts. Delicious!

At my dad's cousin's 50th Anniversary wedding party.

The grandkids


Sissy watching the baby

My nephews gettin' down.

With the grandkids


Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 Things

Yes I know! It's been awhile since my last blog. So much has been going on and I haven't had any down time. My stay at home mom schedule has been a little crazy these days. I am finally all recovered.....but now have to start packing for our Balboa Island trip.

+   We drove down south for the second time since Brenden was born and he did great. He is so awesome and slept most of the 6 hour drive. We were productive and got my car serviced, met up friends, celebrated with E.J at his graduation party, and spent time hanging out with the family.

+    Who gets sick in July? I do...then the baby. I hadn't had a cold in forever and all of the sudden I woke up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. It was awful. was worse when Brenden got it. Poor little guy had a low fever and just wanted to lay on me all day. No fun. Luckily, his pediatrician said it was nothing major because his ears, throat and lungs looked good. 

+   Someone decided that it would be a great idea to have 4 teeth come out at the same time...all while we both had a cold. That was a good time for both of us. Yes I am still breastfeeding! What the heck...Kylah didn't get her first tooth til she was 11 months, so I skipped the whole teething I am dealing with it big time.

+   He is now standing and that is all he wants to do. Forget the crawling stage, he rather pull himself up using anything he can. One night while we were in his room and he was playing in his crib, Ryan tells me that once he starts standing he is going to have to lower his crib. Well, I laugh and tell him that the baby isn't anywhere near standing. Right after I say that.....the little guy stands. This is the picture! Needless to say, his crib is now lowered.

+  Since Kylah has been conditioning for volleyball at her new school for the past couple of weeks, Brenden and I have been spending a lot of time in Napa. She is doing awesome and trying really hard. The varsity coach even had her practice a couple of times with the varsity team instead of with the freshmen.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Three Years Ago Today

Time flies when you're having's hard to believe that it has already been 3 years.

Three years ago today....

I was doing this....

Wearing this....

 I was walking down the aisle to this...

And this....

Said "I Do"...

Ending the celebration the next day with a fabulous honeymoon to France and Italy....

 Since then we got pregnant and had a baby! There is nothing that beats the joy of watching my best friend and love of my life become a father to a sweet baby boy who adores his daddy.

Happy Anniversary my love! Here's to many more to come! I can't wait to spend time with my family, have some yummy cake and watch our wedding DVD.

XOXO,  Tania

Friday, July 5, 2013

I Love My BOB

The big brown truck dropped BOB off at my doorstop.
It is not just any baby's fancy.
I got the Sport Utility version....for walking, running, and off-roading.
Baby and I go for 3 mile+ walks every morning,
 so I can't wait to break it in.
Rough and rugged exploration awaits!

XO, Tania

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Brenden : Seven Months

Happy 7 month birthday my little love!
 Oh yeah.... it's 4th of July too.

Slow down, boy. 
And I mean that in more ways than one. 
You are all over the place these days. 
Sitting, crawling, pulling yourself up and trying to stand. 
This is by far the coolest age (so far) you've been.
 I can almost see myself having another because you're so freaking cool. Almost.

Everyone (and I mean everyone) 

comments on how happy you are--in photos and in person.
 You are so contagious and you make people feel special. 
 I've had people who I don't even know 
tell us that you're the cutest baby on the planet. 
It's insane.

You are not too interested in solid food. 

 Avocado, squash and sweet potato are tasty, 
but you are not too happy about spinach or bananas.
 However, you are still the happiest with good old fashioned breast milk. 
I am just fine with that... until all of your teeth come in.

Your official first word was spoken this month--Dada. 

I was pretty mad but you followed up with Mama a week later.
 So I guess that's ok. :) 
 Your front right bottom tooth is starting to come in 
and you are growing taller each day. 
Touching tags, strings, and shiny jewelry is very interesting to you these days. The Baby channel is a life saver.
 You love to sit in your swing in front of the television in the early morning
 and watch anything that is on. Thank god it is on 24/7!!!!

Daddy says that you are a bed hog. 
Ha, ha....he loves it. 
Tell him that you start out in your own bed. 
I don't care about all of this sleep training stuff right now. 
I am going to enjoy cuddling with you. 
It's my favorite thing to do.

3-month-old Brenden was so different from 7-month-old Brenden. 
You've grown up so much.
 Too quickly for me.
 Please stop! 
I still want to cuddle with you, hold you, and carry you around. 
 Pretty soon you are going to want to break free and get into everything.

We love you, BC. To the moon and back again.

Brenden celebrating his independence!

Happy 4th of July !!!!!

XO, Tania