
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Spring

The vines are blooming and the rabbits are roaming around!
Spring Break is almost over and for the first time in years
 we did not go to Hawaii for Easter.
It was nice to just stay home!
Kylah has started touring colleges 
and club volleyball is coming to an end.
Oh, what will we do with our weekends?
 Ryan started a new position at work...
which means no more uniforms for awhile. 
I am totally happy about that!
Brenden is growing and growing and just relentless and smart as ever.
Needless to say,
 he wishes that Easter could happen more often...
so he could eat bunny shaped marshmallows everyday.

His leprechaun trap

Mommy, why are his feet so big?

This was the only way he would take the picture. It worked out.

Egg dying was so much fun!

Easter crafts!

The search begins!

