
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Summer fun

Summer fun has been in full swing in our house!
Kylah ended her Junior year with Straight A's,
passed both of her AP tests with the highest score of 5 
and found out that she scored a really high SAT score on her first try taking it.
Excited to see where she ends up for college, but
 not looking forward to all of the Senior year antics.
We sold our rental in 1 day and got an offer overasking!
Brenden is now The Hulk!
he eats to be the Hulk,
 calls himself the Hulk 
and even introduced himself to the doctor as the Hulk.
He is so loving, too energetic, very stubborn and 
extremely smart for his own good.
Swimming lessons have been a success 
and we love our lazy pool days at the club.
We went on vacation to So Cal for 2 weeks to visit my family,
squeezed in a few college visits,
 went to a farewell concert for Garrison Keillor at the Hollywood Bowl,
spent an amazing week in Balboa Island dreaming of retiring there,
celebrated our 6th anniversary away from the baby for the first time 
at the Ojai Valley Inn...
getting massages, lounging by the pool, eating a fancy dinner, wine tasting 
and a night of uninterrupted sleep. 
It was amazing!
We also made a pit stop to Morro Bay to check out Grandma Lynn's new beach house.
After 3 weeks of having Daddy all to ourselves, 
he returned back to work today.
We are crying!
Back to lazy days at home, 
selling houses,
hanging out at the club,
enjoying Kylah's last weeks of summer vacation and 
the my never ending job of planning our next travels.


Happy 4th!




Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Spring

The vines are blooming and the rabbits are roaming around!
Spring Break is almost over and for the first time in years
 we did not go to Hawaii for Easter.
It was nice to just stay home!
Kylah has started touring colleges 
and club volleyball is coming to an end.
Oh, what will we do with our weekends?
 Ryan started a new position at work...
which means no more uniforms for awhile. 
I am totally happy about that!
Brenden is growing and growing and just relentless and smart as ever.
Needless to say,
 he wishes that Easter could happen more often...
so he could eat bunny shaped marshmallows everyday.

His leprechaun trap

Mommy, why are his feet so big?

This was the only way he would take the picture. It worked out.

Egg dying was so much fun!

Easter crafts!

The search begins!



Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lot's of Volleyball

We have been swamped with volleyball season
and that has been our life for the past couple of months.
Traveling to Las Vegas, 
celebrating Valentine's Day, 
Kylah driving herself,
Brenden sleeping in his own big boy bed, 
A trip to Anaheim,
and going on college visits 
has kept us very busy.

Valentine's Day Room Service in Vegas

Mommy's Little Flirt

Date night at the Cosmopolitan

Sweet Loves

Serendipity has his heart

Exploring Vegas

My girl

He is awesome during volleyball tournaments

Las Vegas Classic

Silly Boys

His big boy bed!

Rainy Days by the fire
I can't believe she will be a Senior next year and off to college soon.

Sissy is driving herself? Yes!!!! Now we need another car!!!



Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Happy New Year!
The holidays came and went by too quickly,
but this year was so much more fun because Brenden was so into it.
Except....he does not like Santa.
Maybe next year!
Our new Elf, Wink visited us for the first time
 and he had the best time looking for him every morning.
I started a Christmas Book advent for the 25 days and 
watching him open and read a new book to him everyday was great.
Kylah finished off her 1st semester of her junior with STRAIGHT A's 
and we are so proud. 
She also got her Driver's license!
We stayed busy with holiday baking, crafting, decorating the house, 
and lots of snuggling.
However, B was sick and we had to cancel our NYE plans
 and stay home. :(
Now we are ready for another amazing year.
All the best!

Christmas book advent worked out great.

Meet Wink! B named him.

Kid's Xmas party at the mansion.


Baking with Daddy.

Just like Wink.

Baby it's cold outside.

When Daddy hides the elf.

No Santa!!!
Wink's Last Day leaving pajamas.

See you next year!

Santa is all done!

B's new kitchen

