
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Brenden:: 3 Years Old... Party Like a Pirate

Happy 3rd Birthday my love!
Three years has gone by so quickly
and I can't imagine how we lived life before him.
He is the definitely the peanut to my butter!

His favorites are marshmallows and fruit snacks,
but he eats like a man
 and will gobble up a huge egg burrito 
with spinach, cheese, tomatoes, and bacon for breakfast.

He loves when I tickle his feet to relax him and
gives the best cuddles.
He tells me that he loves me 100 times and day 
and holds my face while he kisses me on the lips
 like I am the best thing in the world.
He loves being outdoors jumping on the trampoline, 
picking sticks, and playing in the dirt.
Potty training was super easy and
his vocabulary is pretty amazing.
But boy is he stubborn, 
strong willed, 
and has a temper. 
B is such a boy and loves guns, swords and wrestling with his daddy.
He tells people "Daddy is my best friend and mommy is my love."
He is our heart and soul and we couldn't be any prouder of him!

Thank you to everyone who came to spend the day celebrating him with us!
We partied like a pirate! 
We love you!

Wink the elf started decorating.

Birthday pancakes!

His first watch!

Crafting with Daddy

Thanks for making the yummy coconut cupcakes Grandma!

The sun came out to play! We got lucky.

Buried treasure!

Even GG was there to celebrate!

Cute Molly is showing off her tattoo!

Walk the plank!

He didn't want anyone to sing Happy Birthday to him!

Party like a pirate!

Making time to eat his lasagna.

His face while eating a cupcake!

Thank you all for the wonderful presents!

First time he didn't take a nap....caught him knocked out on the couch while watching a movie. It took him 2 days to recover!

