
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy 40th Ryan

We just celebrated my favorite persons birthday!
 It's not everyday you turn 40...
Thanks for being my everything.
The most supportive, loyal, honest, hardworking and loving man I know.
We are so lucky to have you in our lives!
I love living life with you and making you feel special everyday 
because you deserve it.
Cheers to 40 more!

Brenden was so excited to put up decorations!

And help blow out the candles and eat the cake!

We had the best seats ever...right behind home plate!

First Giants game with Daddy!

We even found the Fun Zone!

And...this A's Superfan found us and played his banjo for Brenden.

B ate his first Cotton Candy and a whole bag of popcorn.

And the ipad of course!



Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hello September!

As we slide into September and get ready to watch the grapes being picked, 
I desperately needed to post this overdue blog that includes our
We have been so busy and I have been very behind with my pictures!
Here's to our Summer...
A Florida vacation that included Disneyworld,
 the world's largest Volleyball tournament, and Cocoa Beach,
Brenden's newly remodeled Bunker,
A visit from my parents to the Tahoe, the Cabin and Stinson beach, 
 the annual fashion show including a Project Runway designer,
our 5th Anniversary,
a bee sting,
Kylah's 16th birthday,
and of course many pictures of my sweet boy!
He talks so much, tells everyone that he is 2 1/2, loves putting together puzzles, collecting rocks and sticks, playing outside, 
saying "no" and being my boss. 
That boy has my heart!

Off to Florida

Disneyworld here we come

My Viking Warrior at Epcot

Magic Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Disney Hollywood Studios

Cocoa Beach

The start of a new bunker

Daddy gave him a new back deck

He loves it!

Annual fashion show including Project Runway designers

Baby's first bee sting!

Here's to 5 Years

Stinson Beach

Jumping with Grandma

Cabin Fun

A visit to Stanford!

Happy 16th Kylah!

Cheers to her driving soon...

Boyz of Summer Concert with the girls

Lots of wine tasting with my love

Will bike for Starbucks! Brenden loves riding in the trailer.

This boy has my heart!