
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Boys Will Be Boys

Oh my boys, they just love to do things together. Guy stuff.....and Ryan just loves it. Cars....Cars...and more Cars! That must be Brenden's favorite word ever. Here they are at the 24th annual Cruisin' in the Sun Classic Car Show! And of course, Home Depot fun. Yes....that was my date day.

First time on Daddy's shoulders!

Baby would walk up to each car, bend down, point and say "whoa." Hilarious!

That's his new baby! He is cleaning it. :)

Needs gas!
Home Depot fun!
Sporting his Carhartt overalls. :)




Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! Brenden loves his daddy....



It's Summer Time's officially summer vacation! Kylah has finished her Freshmen year of high school with a 4.0 and sleeping in til noon everyday. The baby is doing new dangerous things and talking so real estate career is off to a start and always working. However, we are enjoying our house and each other. Enjoy the recent pictures!

Sleeping with daddy.

Always a goofball

Copying everything his Sissy does

Wine Club pick up party.

Splashin' on a hot summer the shade of course.

What a beautiful day!

The grapes are coming!

Baby sits on everything.

He stands on everything.


Cutie Pie!

Yes, that's a potty.

Preschool time...

He is a good learner.

Oh, the life of a baby.

Yee haw!



Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Brenden :: 18 Months

Happy 18 month birthday my love!

I can't believe little baby is getting to be such a big boy. His vocabulary is increasing more and more and he does something new everyday. It makes me so proud and happy, but also very sad because it went by too fast. I have waited 14 years for another baby and now it's almost gone. :( I feel like Kindergarten is just around the corner....Anyway, enjoy my sweet boy! 

+ Stats....he has his 18 month check up on Friday, so I will update you soon.

+ Brenden eats everything. This months he loves grapes, apricots, watermelon, Teddy Grahams, pasta, and ice cream. He is such a good eater and will eat anything you put in his mouth. My little chunky monkey!

+ His vocabulary is increasing. Yesterday he started saying "watch" meaning watch him do something silly. He says sissy, instead of just sis. Other new words...keys, baby, night night, sleep, eat, go....Oh yeah, and of the sudden..he says mama all of the time now. Probably too much. Yay me!

+  Playing is his favorite thing to do besides eating. He even loves to play with his sister now. It's sweet. He points to the dining room AKA playroom and says "play, play, play." This starts at 8:30 in the morning right after we have breakfast. He is very energetic and loves to jump, roll, run around the pool table, throw balls, sit on his piggy, ride his car, climb his truck, read books, and play with my keys. 

+ Some things never change...he is still so sweet, loves his daddy, gives lots of hugs and kisses, smiles all day long, flirts with the ladies, and is just soooo happy. Lucky us! He makes me smile all day long and brings so much happiness to us. 

+ And yes, I am still nursing, have lots of milk and he has taken over our bed.

