
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Crab Feed Date Night

Brenden is 13 months and we finally left him with Kylah for a couple of hours to go to a fundraiser at Kylah's high school. Although she was so anxious and nervous about us leaving her with the boy for the night, all went perfectly. Ryan and I had a great time...eating lots of crab at the crab feed!!!! We were totally stuffed. Ryan ate the most and was really trying to get his moneys worth. Not sure if he ate $120 worth. We also learned that we will NEVER be able to win an auction item at this high school. Those people have too much money to throw around. What we thought was a reasonable price to bid won 10 times over. LOL....$2000 for a plate of brownies, $8,000 for dinner for 14 at a brewery. Need I say more! All in all, it was a lot of fun.



Monday, January 6, 2014

Brenden : : Thirteen Months

I know I said I was stopping the photoshoots at 12 months (and I have) but I still want to document Brenden and how much he's changing every single month. So this is the compromise. Just go with it!

Volleyball Season is in full swing and has officially started.
 This season...Brenden is walking and winning the hearts of all the girls. Lady Killer!

23 lbs, 2ft. 5 in.
The kid is doing great. He is 50th percentile in weight, 20 percentile for height and of course only 10 percentile for head.
Favorite Foods
He eats anything we do. He loves goldfish crackers, clementines, cheese....and boy does he have a sweet tooth.

Favorite Words
Still Dada. He tries to communicate so much now....points to what he wants, makes ugggh, huh, yeah sounds like he is having a full on conversation. It amazes us everyday.

Favorite Toy
His vacuum cleaner, cars, and bouncy horse.

Favorite Activities 
Reading books...Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?, Go Dog Go, Hop On Pop
Least Favorite Activities
Being in his playpen by himself.
Sweet boy, little love, chunky monkey
Signature Moves
He still bounces his booty up and down, shakes his hand back and forth while dancing, claps when you say yay!

Other 13 Month Notables

+ Still breastfeeding 3-4 times per day including at night. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The holidays came and went.....and boy were they eventful.

 I hope Santa brought you all that you wished for 
and that the New Year brings you many more blessings. 
Thank you everyone!

Christmas Eve at Grandma Lynn's

Brenden making a mess while we get ready to go.

Opening their Xmas Eve present....

Pajamas of course...for morning pictures.

Listening to the beats.

Panna Cotta with delicious.

Check out the baby gobbling every drop of it.

My own beach house box....filled with dishes, flatware, wine glasses.... Balboa here we come!

Christmas Morning

He did awesome opening presents.

Stuffed Stocking deliciousness

Off to Sac!

Christmas Lunch at Grandpa and Grandma Andersens

Yay! Now we have a Patio Heater.

We made a quick visit to The Garcia's.

Christmas Dinner at Doug and Mickey's

Showing off his straw drinking skills.

Christmas in SoCal

After a 6 hour drive, we were beat! My guys.

We spent the day at Annie's celebrating again. More presents! It never ends.

He was really trying to figure out how that firecracker worked.

The dancing snowman was his favorite.

His new vacuum...

and horse from Grandma and Papa.

Snuggling on the couch with his grandma.

 Happy New Year!

 We are finally back at home now and celebrated the New Year right here. Both Brenden and Kylah had a cough, so we thought it was best to just chill. The baby had his 12 month check up yesterday and got 4 shots. So on top of waking up with a cough, he had a high fever all night. Let's just say that our New Year's Eve was not that exciting. However, we watched the ball drop and still celebrated with champagne and kisses. Good thing that the New Year was better. Today, he woke up happier and his fever was gone. Woo hoo! Ryan was ready to jump in the car and take him to the ER last night if his fever persisted. He was so cute and cuddly with him. It is so sad to see babies sick. I hate that part of being a mommy.

Anyway, Happy New Year. Let the resolutions begin... with a morning mimosa! Cheers.

