
Monday, December 23, 2013

Almost Christmas

Christmas is so much more exciting with Brenden this year!
He makes everything so much sweeter. 
Our house is filled with lots of joy. 
Last year he was just born and I was recovering from labor. 
 What a difference a year makes! 
I can't believe tomorrow is already Christmas Eve.....
just finished wrapping 73 presents (half of those are for my babies :) 

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Not into this Fireman Santa..neither was his daddy!

Walking Bella to the Tree Farm


Baking Cookies for Kylah's team cookie exchange

Trying to help me wrap presents!
Kylah actually came out of her room to create this!
The presents are all under the tree...well mostly!


Officer Brenden

We went to visit Ryan at work so he could show off his sweet boy. Brenden loved every minute off it. He ran up and down the hall in and out of the offices, went to lunch in a police car, and the best part of all was being with his daddy.

XOXO, Tania

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Home Alone

Last week we were home alone without my sweets. Ryan was in Virginia for work at the FBI Academy for a class and we were soooooo sad without him. Since Kylah was in the middle of studying for semester finals we could not join him and had no choice but to stay home. :( It was the longest week ever and to top it off, Brenden got his first cold the night before he left. Uggggggh! Why is it that whenever you are home alone at night every crack and creak has to be the sound of a serial killer...or is that just me?

FBI National Academy

It started snowing and he sent me these pictures.

Class was canceled that day!
Creepy! At the Behavioral Science Museum at the Academy

My poor baby got his first cold. Good thing it was only a stuffy nose. It was still so sad.

He was still his usual happy self. You can't see it here, but he busted his top gums while carrying and falling on a toy and blood was gushing everywhere. Then, he learned this new trick of walking with his hands behind him. He thought it was hilarious.

I spent some time decorating the house for Christmas. I love the holidays!

We have to guard the tree with our life. Somebody... is into grabbing and throwing everything.

A craft day! What a big hand impression.

Look closely....he started to do this frown thing with his eyebrows. It's funny!

Ryan made a quick trip to visit Washington D.C on the last night. The white house....Nobody was home!

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument

The National Christmas Tree
Treats for us!

For the boy of course...his own badge.
My favorite....The White House 2013 holiday ornament. They make one every year.

It's a full house once again :) Somehow we managed. 
Happy Holidays!



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Brenden :: Twelve Months

Happy Birthday my little love!

You're officially not a baby anymore. It's hard to believe, really. I've been clinging to the fact that because you were under one year, it didn't matter how mobile you were, you were still my baby. But not anymore. One second you were a helpless, tiny human who depended on me for just about everything and the next, you are an independent little person who is starting to express opinions about things.
As of your birthday, you are rocking 7 teeth but the 8th isn't far behind.

Taking photos of you this month was pretty much impossible. Which, makes me sad because this was definitely our last monthly photo shoot. On to bigger and better things, right?
We will see!
I love you, Brenden Chase. Welcome to toddlerhood.

23 lbs, 2ft 5inches
Favorite Foods
Kid loves his fruit. Pears and mandarins are his faves. He's also a fan of spinach, Cherrios, and Goldfish crackers too, and anything that includes bread or cheese.

Favorite Words
Dada...I'd really like to work 'Mama' in to that rotation but Brenden has more important things to talk about.
Favorite Toy
His hammer!. Also, the remote control, camera and real cell phones.

Favorite Activities
Walking around...everywhere. Dancing to music and Reading of course.  He backs up sweetly in my lap and will listen intently. I love it!
Least Favorite Activities
Sleeping. Mama is tired, dude.
Sweet love, Buddy, BC, Little man, Sweet boy

Signature Moves
He gives a big, open-mouthed kiss about 75% of the time you ask for it. Blows kisses and attempts to wave with his fist but hasn't quite figured out the right motion. He shakes his head 'no' whenever he's doing something he shouldn't be. He also dances anytime he hears music. A bouncy, drop the booty to the floor type dance. Woohoo!

Other 12 Month Notables
+ The mullet is coming in quite nicely. Curly and adorable in the back, sparse and comb-over-ish in the front. Never cutting it. Nope.
+ Babbling. All the time. We have full on conversations. It's hilarious.
+ Still breastfeeding... including at night. 
+ He just loves his daddy....omg.. He cries for him when he leaves and he cries for him when he comes home...until Ryan picks him up.

XOXO, Tania

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Brenden's Seuss First Birthday Party

The Seuss birthday party was a success! We had so much fun with our closest family and friends. It was so great to be able to celebrate Brenden's first year with everyone! And, I only cried twice. Success! :)

 All in all, a successful first birthday party. My baby is one! Eeeek! :) Thank you to everyone!
